Mandice 專注於整合研發技術和工程團隊,並提供專業服務,幫您快速達成目標。我們的公司總部設於台北,目前服務內容有作業系統軟體、開放原始碼(Open Source)顧問、委外研發以及提供各式資訊科技解決方案。
Mandice is currently a debt-free company with no past or current pending, threatening civil, government proceedings, investigations or litigations. Welcome any investment opportunites or financial contributions.
Our strategy is to grow our business through strong internal growth combined with selective acquisitions/strategic partnerships with companies that compliment our growth engines. Mandice intents to expand its presence into new geographical markets and expand its portfolio of offerings to provide higher productivity enhancing solutions. You can get more current information, plan and status from "Our Info" page, it will be updated from time to time.