Michelangeli plays Scarlatti Sonata Op.449 - Scarlatti 義大利(1685-1757)
Michelangeli,Samuel plays Scarlatti sonata Op.449. I found this version to be most moving. It's all about the notes and their relationship to each other, and those notes are more wistful than any performer can imagine. The more "expressive" interpretations I've seen seem to drain the life out of the notes and wash the sound with synthetic brighteners instead. But the performer here has not merely flipped a switch on a musical machine, he has awakened it with a sympathetic kiss. Scarlatti 創作的鍵盤奏鳴曲(Sonata),開拓鍵盤樂器嶄新的技法與表現力, 史卡拉第(Scarlatti)的奏鳴曲都不長,通常只有六十小節到一百二十小節,Scarlatti的奏鳴曲和古典樂派奏鳴曲第一樂章的比較,Scarlatti的奏鳴曲少了發展部(Development),Scarlatti的 第一段落,啟始,中央部份到核心,轉調; ﹝中央部份包括延續、過門、前核心﹞; ﹝所謂的核心---指的是兩大段落中有一個相同形式的點為核心﹞; ﹝轉調包括後核心、終止、再終止、最後終止﹞; 第二段落,啟始﹝隨意的﹞自由發揮,隨意的重複前核心或前面的素材,核心,重複轉調部分﹝包括後核心、終止、再終止、最後終止﹞