< 民謠傳頌篇-斯拉夫游牧民族 Slavic Nomads with  the man speaking russian.
非媒體-香蕉日報-聆聽細琢小提琴演奏家Gil Shaham非媒體-香蕉日報作曲家典範錄 Composer List非媒體-香蕉日報小提琴演奏家典範錄 Violinist List非媒體-香蕉日報鋼琴演奏家典範錄 Pianist List非媒體-香蕉日報鋼琴節慶典範錄非媒體-香蕉日報Poetry奏鳴曲式Sonata Form-跳閱指南針甕底的手札-跳閱指南針曲目Playlist-跳閱指南針

This is so much slavic..I have an image in my head of slavic nomads somewhere in the north of Europe. The music sounds slavic and the words are in russian which is almost the same like old-slavic language. So the emotion is there too, to describe how it was when they were walking through over the rivers and over the foggy lands. I love it very much!