< 音樂神話 - Star Size Comparison HD
非媒體-香蕉日報-Music Myth非媒體-香蕉日報作曲家典範錄Composer List非媒體-香蕉日報小提琴演奏家典範錄Violinist List非媒體-香蕉日報鋼琴演奏家典範錄Pianist List非媒體-香蕉日報-鍾情大提琴演奏家Cellist非媒體-香蕉日報Poetry奏鳴曲式Sonata Form-跳閱指南針甕底的手札-跳閱指南針曲目Playlist-跳閱指南針

There are several videos circulating showing a comparison of the largest stars. I like these kind of things, and I wanted to try one myself. Probably because I also watched "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan as a kid. Actually my first Youtube upload. Hope you like it...