< Glenn Gould  Play Art of fugue - Contrapunctus - Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) 
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That is why Glenn will always be a greater artist than I could ever hope to be. He put technique aside (because he mastered it) as a boy and just focused on the music. i only wish he could have known the happiness and joy he has brought to my life over the decades.....

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685.3.21-1750.7.28)『現代音樂』之父, 巴洛克時代德國作曲家,與亨德爾和泰勒曼齊名。管風琴、小提琴、大鍵琴演奏家。變奏、變奏曲Variation - any of a set of short pieces of music based on a simple tune repeated in a different and more complicated form.

Bach Family - Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)、Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788 )、 Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782 )、