【Bye, 老中英文】- Let's Get Married! 我們結婚吧!
小笨霖英語筆記本四十七: Come 這個字 推薦笑起來像櫻桃小丸子的 黛西的窩
小笨霖英語筆記本五十九: 惡作劇 潛規則
小笨霖英語筆記本八十: 看電影心得 (Remember the Titans)
Yes! I can tell! 看得出來
Someone passed away
someone is passed away
You don't suppose to be here!
I'm Not Supposed to Be Here
I'm not even supposed to be here today
I see. I understand. Understand. I down .
I down 也是 I see 的意思
Ok, now I got you. 你如果不說 I got you, 說 I got it 也是可以的
另外 I got you 有一個更常用的解釋, 就是我騙到你了
通常會讀成 Gotcha..
eg.比如說你騙人家說, I got married.
別人回答: Oh~ Really?
這時你就可以吹著口哨說.. Hahaha.. Gotcha.
You got that right. 你說的沒錯.
這句跟 you are right 是一樣的, 但是 you got that right. 是比較口語的說法,
例如: A: I've told you we are on the wrong way!
B: You got that right dude.
I can tell you from the top of my head.
其實會說這句話的人並無法立刻告訴你, 所以才會說這句話緩衝一下.
就好比說我們會跟別人說, "等一下, 這個我知道!"
其實他要是真的知道, 直接告訴你不就成了?
有些事你很確定知道, 但一下子想不起來時,
就說這一句I can tell you from the top of my head.
它可以和 I can tell you from the top of my hat 互換使用,
叫 I can tell you right off the bat.
例如人家問你, Do you know how to integrate this equation?
你就可以說, Sure, I can tell you right off the bat.
I can tell you by heart.
I can tell you by heart, 說的是可以光憑記憶告訴你, 不用再去翻書或查資料.
但也許不是馬上, 可能還需要想一下.
這是它跟 I can tell you from the top of my head 的不同之處.
另外, 你也可以說成 I can tell you by memory.
It's a piece of cake.
形容很容易就是用 cake 這個字眼,
你也可以單講 it's cake! 來表示你對這件事情覺的很容易.
像是電影 Pay Back 裏面男主角在幹掉一堆壞人之後, 輕鬆愉快地講了一句 A piece of cake!
That's a no-brainer.
用來形容很簡單很簡單的事, 如這次的考試太簡單了,
你就可以說 That's a no-brainer.
還有的人會說成, Your brain doesn't have to think hard.
I can pretty much understand what you are talking about.
pretty much在這裏的意思,完全等於 very ,
但是在這裏你就不能只用 very 來代替pretty much中的 pretty.
你只可以把 pretty much 改成 pretty 或是 very ,
就成了“I think I can pretty safely say .
例如他們會說, We are pretty much the same, 就是我們非常相像的意思.
I'll figure it out later.
老美說想通一個問題或是解決一個問題很喜歡用 figure out 這個片語.
你就可以說, How do you figure this out? (你是怎麼想出來的呀?)
或是 How do you work it out 也很常用, 也是解決問題的意思.
你就可以說, OK, Let's work it out together.
There you go!
美國人講話時很喜歡用 There you go!
或是 Here we go 來表示你說的沒錯, 我贊同你的講法.
A: It's so beautiful, I definitely will come back again.
B: There you go!
所以這個 There you go
就表示我贊成你說的話, 你說的沒錯的意思.