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Composer: Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) Joseph Maurice Ravel
was a French composer. known especially
for his melodies, orchestral and instrumental textures.

Composition: "Ravel - Sonata pour Violine et Violoncelle"

God Ravel composed excellent pieces,
but to make them near unplayable

【Composer】Maurice Ravel』Channel @ HiggsTV

【Cloud Video / Menu】:【雲端頻道目錄】
『【Musician】』Channel @ Cloud HDTV

【Cloud Video / Edit】:【雲端頻道編輯】

【Maurice Ravel】@ Carol' Blog

音樂詩篇-"Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)- Sonata per violino e violoncello".
音樂詩篇-"Maurice Ravel's Jeux d'eau"- Martha Argerich.
音樂詩篇-"Masterclass Thibaudet: Nicolas van Poucke"- Maurice Ravel & Beethoven.
音樂詩篇-"Maurice Ravel's Pavane for Dead Princess"- Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) .