< Claude Monet Painting Impression Sunrise 1872. 『莫內』:印象派的創始人
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Chopin's "Piano Concerto No. 1 In E minor, Op.11: Romance - Larghetto".
Monet was the founder of impressionism, as it was a painting he did in 1872, titled "Impression, Sunrise", which had a baffled art critic pick out the word "impression" to describe, at the time, the relatively new art trend. The soundtrack in this piece is the first 3 minutes and 45 seconds of Chopin's "Piano Concerto No. 1 In E minor, Op.11: Romance - Larghetto".
莫內是印象派的創始人,起因於 1872年、他的一幅畫,作品名為“印象,日出”,有一個不知所以的藝術評論家、挑出其中的字"Impression"來形容莫內的畫風,在當時這畫風算是相當新的藝術趨勢,中文翻譯為“印象”。這段配樂是蕭邦“第一號鋼琴協奏曲 E小調,作品11號:浪漫 - 小廣板”的前3分45秒。